eBooks on OpenLibrary

Ms. Prowell may be gone and we may never get another story from her (even though there are rumors that one or two was started but possibly not completed) but we can all read her three books again and again. Talk about them and even…

Spring has Sprung but not in Montana

Spring has sprung here in Florida but according to the weather widget, the poor Montanans are getting snow still. If we could send some of our warm air up to you folks we would. But being snowed in might have it’s advantages as you get…

Summer Time Reading

Summer time is a pretty good time to get caught up on your reading. I, for one, like to re-read all of my favorite authors and series in anticipation of any upcoming books by them during the fall and winter months. Sadly, we will not…

Reader Responses So Far

The reader responses so far have been a little slow but we enjoy hearing from our fellow fans anyway. We are still looking for fan fiction to add to the site to spice up some of our posts as well as fan art. So use…

Montana at Christmas

Montana at Christmas time seems like a pretty cold place to be to a Floridian like me. The pictures are very pretty but all that snow and cold really doesn’t appeal. As fans of Sandra West Prowell and her main character Phoebe Siegel we enjoy…