Just for the Fans in 2021

Just for the Fans in 2021

Just for all the Fans of Sandra West Prowell in these turbulent times continuing into 2021. We all hope things will settle down and get back to some semblance of normal. That may not happen for a lot longer still. However, we as avid readers, mystery fans, and specifically of this particular writer will continue to support those who have passed on too soon by keeping them alive in our hearts and minds. We can speculate all we want about there being a fourth book out there but it has been a really long time. If it hasn’t been released by now it probably will not be. So, we have to be content with just the three books that we can re-read every year and enjoy the world and characters she created.

Personally, I was really hoping that the family would get together and have the books released in eBook and audio formats. And if you would like to see that happen too then comment below. I will gather the posts together and try to see if we can get her old agent or publishing company to do that for us. COMMENT, LIKE, SHARE, write reviews, get your friends and family to write reviews too. There are still some paperback and even hardback books out there to purchase. I just purchased collectible hardback copies of each book and look forward to re-reading them again this year.

You may have noticed that the address of the fansite has changed once more. Sadly, I couldn’t afford to keep the site going, renewing the domains and separate web hosting accounts each year. So I created a sub-domain for the fan site and moved all the content over. I did have a couple of weeks of forwarding the domain from the old address so hopefully, all the old links have been corrected by now.

Just for the Fans in 2021

If you can contribute a few bucks to helping this thing updated, gather more news articles, and finally allow me the time and space to get a more comprehensive biography done for the author and her fans that would be really great. In appreciation for your help, anyone who donates will receive a PDF eBook of all the articles that I have been able to gather from around the U.S. about Mrs. Prowell in the 1990s. These will be transcribed and referenced along with copies of any of the pictures that may have included in the articles.


And if you have a fan fiction story to share, a story about the author, or even a more comprehensive book synopsis and cast of characters listing please use our CONTACT US form

Author: webmistress

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